What Pampered Pet Chickens Have
From chicken diapers to chicken clothes, and riding on boats these pampered chickens have it all! Hen saddles, to swings, harnesses, treats, sweaters, coops and more. These house pet chickens are spoiled rotten!

People are well known for becoming very attached to their pets, treating them like family, and for pampering them. Doting on their dogs and cats, birds, hamsters, etc. and now, pet chickens by spoiling them with lavish gifts, sweaters, diapers, leashes, vests, saddles, pet carriers, pet houses, pet strollers, swings, fancy name tags and much more. Well, it seems that pet chickens are moving up in the ranks. People are allowing them into their homes, watching television with their diapered chicken, taking them for strolls down the street in their pet chicken strollers, buying them lavish chicken houses which they rarely stay in at night because they keep them in a pet carrier in the house so predator's do not get them. This system can work if you only have one or two chickens. If you have more than that you should seriously consider setting them up a safe and secure chicken coop outside. Taking care of a house pet chicken can become quite a responsibility. It is like having a baby and you watch them grow, teach them, train them but sooner or later you have to let them go outside and do what chickens do, at least for a few hours every day. House pet chicken owner's are no different than any other type of pet owner, they want the best for their pet and they love to spoil them. It is interesting to note what these pampered chickens are getting from their loving owner's. (See Below),
Chickens Wearing Clothes! Featured Video: Chicken Wear
Talk about cute! We found this video of adorable chickens with the cutest outfits we've ever seen from ChickenMom on Youtube. A must see!
Chicken Wear. Retrieved from Chickenmom on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yun8zvTj63A&list=PLBYQPSHwhzg7_WsRU85zcg1RtKGNjkriA
Chicken Wear. Retrieved from Chickenmom on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yun8zvTj63A&list=PLBYQPSHwhzg7_WsRU85zcg1RtKGNjkriA