Types of Worms that Infest Chickens & How to Stop Them
List of various types of worms that infest chickens and other types of chickens and how to get rid of them. If your chicken has one of these symptoms loose feces, blood in their feces, excess mucus from their nostrils, acts listless, less active than usual, has feces stuck on their vent feathers your bird probably has worms. See signs, symptoms, prevention, and treatments.
Types of worms that infest chickens and how to stop them
Worms can attack your chickens intestinal tract making them very sick and can even cause death in severe cases. The following is a list of various types of worms that infect chickens, with signs to watch for, prevention suggestions, available treatments, and home remedies suggested by our viewers. Many backyard chicken keepers do not realize that worm prevention should be part of their chickens health management program until it's too late. Scroll down to see each type of worm, prevention, signs, symptoms, and treatments for poultry worms and how to implement a worm prevention plan for your flock. In my flock my worm prevention plan includes 1 cup of Foodgrade DE (Diometaceous Earth) mixed into a 50 gallon trash can of chicken feed once a month. (This does make my chickens drink more water). I have over 125 chickens so I go through a trash can of feed each week.For my house pet chickens I mix a few sprinkles into their feed once a month. When I take in new chickens into my flock I treat them with Wazine while they are quarantined. I rub antifungal foot cream on my chickens beak, comb, wattles, face, around the eyes and on their feet and legs once a month to prevent ring worm (especially if you have cats, dogs, or other livestock around your chickens).
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List of Poultry Worms: Prevention, symptoms, and treatment
The following is a list of worms that could infest your chickens with prevention and treatment options.
Ascarids (Large intestinal roundworms) Prevention and treatment options Cecal Worms
Identification, prevention, and treatment for cecal worms Eye Worms
Signs, symptoms, and treatment for eye worms found in poultry. Gapeworms
Gapeworms can cause your chickens to spit, gurgle, and left untreated can kill them. Find out what to do here: Prevention and treatment for your flock for Gapeworms, Gizzard worms
Identification, prevention and treatment of Gizzard worms Hair worms
Identification, prevention, and treatment of Hair worms
Ascarids (Large intestinal roundworms) Prevention and treatment options Cecal Worms
Identification, prevention, and treatment for cecal worms Eye Worms
Signs, symptoms, and treatment for eye worms found in poultry. Gapeworms
Gapeworms can cause your chickens to spit, gurgle, and left untreated can kill them. Find out what to do here: Prevention and treatment for your flock for Gapeworms, Gizzard worms
Identification, prevention and treatment of Gizzard worms Hair worms
Identification, prevention, and treatment of Hair worms
How to Treat and Prevent Worms in Chickens--Motherhen's Tip of the Day
"Through years of experience, I have discovered that pre treating my birds for worms with Foodgrade DE every week and Ivermectin monthly , keeping feces cleaned up in coop and run areas prevents my chickens from getting worms in the first place, and if they have worms, this will get rid of them. Another way I prevent worms is to make sure that my chickens do not have access to another animals feces. Wild animals, domestic pets, and wild bird feces can infect your birds with worms and other diseases. Keeping your flock in an enclosed area where other animals and wild birds cannot access your chickens area, keeping nest boxes, coops, and perches clean, and monthly worm treatments is the best way to keep your birds from getting worms. I like to add a sprinkle of Foodgrade DE on top of their feed by the door way of the coop that they have to walk thru before entering or exiting and this works pretty good"--Motherhen
7 Ways to Prevent Worms From Infesting Your Chickens
The best line of defense against intestinal worms is to have and implement a prevention plan but before you can make a plan you have to know how to prevent worms from infesting your chickens.
See our 7 Ways to Prevent Worms from infesting your chickens Go to 7 Ways to Prevent worms from infesting your chickens
See our 7 Ways to Prevent Worms from infesting your chickens Go to 7 Ways to Prevent worms from infesting your chickens