Are you tired of your chickens wasting feed by scratching it out of their chicken feeders? I have tried many kinds of chicken feeders that say they are no mess feeders but my chickens are experts at finding a way to spill the feed all over the ground. Spilled feed attracts rodents, opossums, and other predators. Rodents attract snakes, so it is a good idea to check out this truly "no mess" feeder that you can make yourself in minutes with zero carpentry skills, I know because right after I watched this video I made one for my chickens and so far-no mess whatsoever! After you watch the video, if you don't think you can make this no mess feeder yourself or do not want to bother making one see best buys on no mess chicken feeders below.
DIY -The BEST Chicken Feeder- Automatic NO MESS NO WASTE
In this video you get a step by step demonstration on how to make a no mess feeder using a five gallon bucket. If you like this video and want to see more like this you can subscribe to this Youtube channel:
- Hidden Meadow Farm - The Urban Homestead https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQZS3UsZ-vUn46mmqzDYJpw
1. Header photo by Chicken, run, fence and cage HD photo by Annie Theby (@annietheby) on Unsplash. (2019). Unsplash.com. Retrieved 12 January 2019, from https://unsplash.com/photos/3U_1sntk8N8
2. DIY -The BEST Chicken Feeder- Automatic NO MESS NO WASTE. (2019). YouTube. Retrieved 12 January 2019, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlPsG1TZ_F0&feature=youtu.be
1. Header photo by Chicken, run, fence and cage HD photo by Annie Theby (@annietheby) on Unsplash. (2019). Unsplash.com. Retrieved 12 January 2019, from https://unsplash.com/photos/3U_1sntk8N8
2. DIY -The BEST Chicken Feeder- Automatic NO MESS NO WASTE. (2019). YouTube. Retrieved 12 January 2019, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlPsG1TZ_F0&feature=youtu.be