There are two basic forms of fowl fox-wet and dry. The following describes the symptoms of each form of fowl pox. The best ways to reduce your chickens chances of contracting fowl pox is to keep them in a coop with a hardware cloth covered, secured run which will prevent wild birds and rodents from getting into their feed and water. Mosquitoes also spread fowl pox so it is important that you make sure there is no standing water in buckets, pails, or anywhere on your property because mosquitoes will breed in it. If you have duck pools make sure you change the water in the pool daily or mosquitoes will start breeding in it. Always quarantine new birds for 30 to 60 days before introducing them to your flock so you can watch for symptoms of fowl pox, avian pox or other illness. Use simple Biosecurity procedures to protect your flock. Change shoes, face masks, and clothing when going to a different flock. Do not go to other people's chicken farms. If you are purchasing new birds ask for a live video walk through of their chicken coop. Pick up birds at a public place. If you have been to a poultry farm or any place that sells poultry be sure to wash your vehicle tires before entering your property. Wash your hands after handling your chickens, new birds, or sick birds. See symptoms of dry form fowl pox and wet form fowl pox below.
There are two forms of Fowl Pox. Chickens can get one or both at the same time.
Dry form Symptoms
If scab is removed prior to complete healing it will appear "raw and bleeding"
Wet form Symptoms:
Canker sore type lesions in:
Dry form Symptoms
- Listlessness
- Slowed growth rate
- Noticeable decline in egg production (see Table 1 ).
- Raised Wart-like lesions on head, legs, vent and other feathered areas
If scab is removed prior to complete healing it will appear "raw and bleeding"
Wet form Symptoms:
Canker sore type lesions in:
- Mouth
- Pharynx
- Larynx
- Trachea
- Respiratory distress which obstructs upper air passages
The following video shows what fowl pox and avian pox look like. Field Vet
- Fowl Pox, Avian Pox symptoms in Chicken, Poultry Diseases, Chicken Farming. (2019). YouTube. Retrieved 20 May 2019, from