Rocky the Rooster’s Rescue
Rick and Marne Kirchner were not looking to raise chickens or even to have a pet chicken but once they found Rocky-he changed everything. Rocky is a gamecock-best known as a rooster used in cockfighting but Rocky the Rooster's sweet personality changed the game. See Rocky the Rooster's story, pictures, and videos below.
Rick and Marne Kirchner were not looking to raise chickens or even to have a pet chicken but once they found Rocky-he changed everything. Rocky is a gamecock-best known as a rooster used in cockfighting but Rocky the Rooster's sweet personality changed the game. See Rocky the Rooster's story, pictures, and videos below.
Rocky's Former Owner Tells His Story....
Rick Kirchner to Chicken Heaven on Earth
October 12 at 7:46 PM ·
This is the story of Rocky the Rooster, and how we found him
I first saw Rocky when I got off work about 7:00 am. He was in my neighbor's yard and I tried to catch him that morning, but he ran away from me. I went back home and went to sleep. Later on that afternoon I woke up about 5:00pm. My wife and I heard our dog's in the backyard barking at something in the front yard. I went to the side of the house and saw Rocky. I called my wife on the cellphone. We caught him and we brought him inside.
We had a medium dog cage that we put him in. My wife really enjoyed having him around the house. At times we let him out of the dog cage to let him stretch his legs. Our big dog Chance seemed to almost be a mother to Rocky, because she watched him in the cage and when he was let loose in the house. Chance would walk by him. We really enjoyed having Rocky crowing in the morning. However Rocky really liked my wife, because when she went into a different room. Rocky started to cluck and crow for her.
Rocky is the second rooster we rescued in Dallas Texas. The first rooster we found was at our church. We called him MBC, (Mesquite Bible Chicken) and our church is called Mesquite Bible Church. We had a friend at church that was able to find MBC a new home
Rocky's Story Submitted By Rick Kirchner and Marne Jackson Kirchner.
Rick and Marne live in Dallas TX. where city ordinances do not allow roosters so they could not allow Rocky outdoors without taking a chance on getting a fine. Knowing it was not fair to Rocky to never be able to go outdoors and not wanting to tangle with city ordinances Rick and Marne contacted Chicken Heaven On Earth, (a “no kill” sanctuary where pet chickens can come and live out their lives here free ranging on 2 acres of fenced in grassy field, and living in a 3 bedroom trailer house of their own). I was very concerned about the fact that Rocky was a game cock as we do not have any full blooded gamecocks on the property and I do not allow roosters to fight here. Rick and Marne convinced me that Rocky the Rooster was just a sweet young rooster who needed a real chickens life and I found this to be quite true. Rocky is calm, sweet, and loves to be petted. He have 5 hens now he stays with and it is obvious Rocky has never been around hens before. He has been with the girls several weeks already and still has not mated with any of them but he is learning how to flirt. When I give treats, the roosters will generally chirp to lure their lady hens to a delicious morsel and allow the hens to have the treats. Rocky did not. When I put treats out with Rocky and his ladies Rocky would accept and eat his own treat. I quickly realized that being a young house pet chicken with no access to hens, Rocky had no experience with hens. During the day, I put him in a fenced off yard with his hens where my East side and West side flock can see him and where Rocky could see how the other roosters acted with their hens. Rocky is very observant and stood at the fence line watching intently as other roosters escorted their hens around the property, flirted with their hens and mated with them. Within two days, Rocky was escorting his five hens around his fenced yard, finding treats and chirping to show the girls. Gradually, he has become even flirtatious with the hens, dropping one wing and dancing around his favorite hen Buffy but when the hens drop down ready to mate, Rocky walks away. Time will tell if Rocky’s natural instincts will return. In the meantime, he and his ladies stay in a room of their own at night in my house until he can come out of quarantine and be integrated into the flock or if he does not play well with others I will build him a coop and a run of his own. He wears chicken diapers I make for him and his ladies and stays indoors on rainy days and at night. Rocky loves to stare out the window, watch tv, play with the hens, and he LOVES mealworms, wheatgrass, and strawberries. He crows a happy sound every morning and he crows when he and his hens run low on feed or water. Rocky is like having a doorbell, if someone comes here, Rocky lets me know with an alert crow. Rocky’s owners Rick and Marne keep up with Rocky’s progress on our facebook page where I post photos and videos of chickens brought to Chicken Heaven On Earth. Chicken owners who keep up with their birds by liking or commenting on posts lets me know they want to see more of Rocky so I post regularly on their progress and activities and create a webpage so their owners can keep up with them on a page of their own.
Watch for updates on Rocky’s progress. See videos and photos below.
October 12 at 7:46 PM ·
This is the story of Rocky the Rooster, and how we found him
I first saw Rocky when I got off work about 7:00 am. He was in my neighbor's yard and I tried to catch him that morning, but he ran away from me. I went back home and went to sleep. Later on that afternoon I woke up about 5:00pm. My wife and I heard our dog's in the backyard barking at something in the front yard. I went to the side of the house and saw Rocky. I called my wife on the cellphone. We caught him and we brought him inside.
We had a medium dog cage that we put him in. My wife really enjoyed having him around the house. At times we let him out of the dog cage to let him stretch his legs. Our big dog Chance seemed to almost be a mother to Rocky, because she watched him in the cage and when he was let loose in the house. Chance would walk by him. We really enjoyed having Rocky crowing in the morning. However Rocky really liked my wife, because when she went into a different room. Rocky started to cluck and crow for her.
Rocky is the second rooster we rescued in Dallas Texas. The first rooster we found was at our church. We called him MBC, (Mesquite Bible Chicken) and our church is called Mesquite Bible Church. We had a friend at church that was able to find MBC a new home
Rocky's Story Submitted By Rick Kirchner and Marne Jackson Kirchner.
Rick and Marne live in Dallas TX. where city ordinances do not allow roosters so they could not allow Rocky outdoors without taking a chance on getting a fine. Knowing it was not fair to Rocky to never be able to go outdoors and not wanting to tangle with city ordinances Rick and Marne contacted Chicken Heaven On Earth, (a “no kill” sanctuary where pet chickens can come and live out their lives here free ranging on 2 acres of fenced in grassy field, and living in a 3 bedroom trailer house of their own). I was very concerned about the fact that Rocky was a game cock as we do not have any full blooded gamecocks on the property and I do not allow roosters to fight here. Rick and Marne convinced me that Rocky the Rooster was just a sweet young rooster who needed a real chickens life and I found this to be quite true. Rocky is calm, sweet, and loves to be petted. He have 5 hens now he stays with and it is obvious Rocky has never been around hens before. He has been with the girls several weeks already and still has not mated with any of them but he is learning how to flirt. When I give treats, the roosters will generally chirp to lure their lady hens to a delicious morsel and allow the hens to have the treats. Rocky did not. When I put treats out with Rocky and his ladies Rocky would accept and eat his own treat. I quickly realized that being a young house pet chicken with no access to hens, Rocky had no experience with hens. During the day, I put him in a fenced off yard with his hens where my East side and West side flock can see him and where Rocky could see how the other roosters acted with their hens. Rocky is very observant and stood at the fence line watching intently as other roosters escorted their hens around the property, flirted with their hens and mated with them. Within two days, Rocky was escorting his five hens around his fenced yard, finding treats and chirping to show the girls. Gradually, he has become even flirtatious with the hens, dropping one wing and dancing around his favorite hen Buffy but when the hens drop down ready to mate, Rocky walks away. Time will tell if Rocky’s natural instincts will return. In the meantime, he and his ladies stay in a room of their own at night in my house until he can come out of quarantine and be integrated into the flock or if he does not play well with others I will build him a coop and a run of his own. He wears chicken diapers I make for him and his ladies and stays indoors on rainy days and at night. Rocky loves to stare out the window, watch tv, play with the hens, and he LOVES mealworms, wheatgrass, and strawberries. He crows a happy sound every morning and he crows when he and his hens run low on feed or water. Rocky is like having a doorbell, if someone comes here, Rocky lets me know with an alert crow. Rocky’s owners Rick and Marne keep up with Rocky’s progress on our facebook page where I post photos and videos of chickens brought to Chicken Heaven On Earth. Chicken owners who keep up with their birds by liking or commenting on posts lets me know they want to see more of Rocky so I post regularly on their progress and activities and create a webpage so their owners can keep up with them on a page of their own.
Watch for updates on Rocky’s progress. See videos and photos below.
Photos of Rocky the Rooster & His People Family
See video of Rocky with his hens below.
Adventures of Rocky's First Bubble Bath at Chicken Heaven On Earth
On my first attempt to give Rocky a bubble bath, he ran away in fear. So, I waited for a whole day and set up another bubble bath for him. I gave a few of his hens a bubble bath first and let him watch. On the second attempt, Rocky was much more cooperative. He allowed me to bath him and never moved during the whole process. Too cute! (See more below).
Rocky the Rooster in Quarantine Video. CHOE. 2018
When chickens first arrive at Chicken Heaven On Earth Sanctuary they are quarantined. I don't cage them unless they appear sick or injured and only for a short while after they arrive for healthy birds. After they pass a physical exam and fecal exam, they are given a special room to sleep in at night and a certain fenced in yard to play outdoors during the day. Here is Rocky's first day in the outdoor quarantine pen and he is totally loving it. This is the first time Rocky has ever seen hen's. Since this video was taken Rocky has become very very protective of his ladies, especially Buffy who recently recovered from a vitamin deficiency.