Potty Trained Hen-Chicks Can Do Tricks
You have just got to see this! This little hen sleeps in the bathtub and will wait until her owner gets up and takes her outside to potty. It's amazing what you can teach a chicken without even trying!
Featured Video: Potty Trained Chicken
"This amazing chicken will not poop at where she sleeps at night. She hold it for sometimes 14 hours depend on when I get up".--Yan Ding
Check Out Jet Li the Toilet Trained Rooster!
This rooster actually goes potty on the toilet!
Cool Chicken Stuff-Best Buys
Chicken socks, Chicken Slogger boots, Rubber chicken purse, Chicken treat balls, Chicken Signs, Chicken games and lots more.
Chicks Can Do Tricks!--Smart Chickens
You will be amazed at the tricks these chickens can do! Extremely smart chickens trained by loving, patient people. Go to Chicks Can Do Tricks-Smart Chickens
Today's Verse
And God created the great sea-monsters, and every living creature that moveth, wherewith the waters swarmed, after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind: and God saw that it was good.Genesis 1:21
References: Video: Potty Trained Rooster.Published to Youtube April 08, 2011. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lnWb54wTvA