Step by step instructions to help you start composting your chicken manure so you can use it in your garden. List of things you can compost and things you should not use in your compost pile plus free composting guides for experienced and beginners.
How to compost chicken manure w/step by step instructions
So you are ready to start living a more sustainable life and now you want to get started composting chickens manure. It's easy with these step by step instructions. Before you get started you need a suitable container for your compost that is inaccessible to predators and your chickens. You can compost almost anything but it is important to note that meat and dairy products can attract unwanted predators to your property. Scroll down for step by step instructions, list of materials you can use in your compost and list of materials you should NOT put on your compost. Links to free composting guides below.
How to Compost: Step by Step Instructions
Before you start composting read these step by step instructions:
1. Your compost bin should be easily accessible, have no gaps, and have a lid or covering.
2. Place your composting bin in a semi-shaded area with a preference to soil or turf surfaces.
3. Start collecting table scraps, leaves, grass clippings, soiled litter, hay, etc.
4. Make sure you have an equal amount of greens and browns so your compost pile will decompose properly.
5. Stir it or use a compost tumbler, often and let it rot
6. Let it dry on compost drying trays
Important Notes about composting
Grass clippings, soft young weeds rot quickly and will help your compost to get started.
Older and tougher plants should be shredded before putting them in your compost as they take longer to decay.
Stir your compost often or use a compost tumbler
Keep your compost covered to attract less flies, and to allow ingredients to compost properly. Scroll down to see types of materials to use in your compost and what you shouldn't put in your compost.
1. Your compost bin should be easily accessible, have no gaps, and have a lid or covering.
2. Place your composting bin in a semi-shaded area with a preference to soil or turf surfaces.
3. Start collecting table scraps, leaves, grass clippings, soiled litter, hay, etc.
4. Make sure you have an equal amount of greens and browns so your compost pile will decompose properly.
5. Stir it or use a compost tumbler, often and let it rot
6. Let it dry on compost drying trays
Important Notes about composting
Grass clippings, soft young weeds rot quickly and will help your compost to get started.
Older and tougher plants should be shredded before putting them in your compost as they take longer to decay.
Stir your compost often or use a compost tumbler
Keep your compost covered to attract less flies, and to allow ingredients to compost properly. Scroll down to see types of materials to use in your compost and what you shouldn't put in your compost.
Featured Video: How to Compost Chicken Manure
"With a few simple steps and a couple of months time you can turn chicken manure into black gold for growing your vegetables and flowers in for nearly no cost at all. Composted chicken manure in high in nitrogen with generous amounts of phosphorous and potassium for plants overall health".
If you like this video you can subscribe for more at: Ali's Organics & Garden Supply on Youtube.
Published on Mar 17, 2013
See more about composting below the video.
If you like this video you can subscribe for more at: Ali's Organics & Garden Supply on Youtube.
Published on Mar 17, 2013
See more about composting below the video.
Types of Materials You Can Use in Your Compost
Compost ingredients'Greens' or nitrogen rich ingredients
- Urine (diluted with water 20:1)
- Comfrey leaves
- Nettles
- Grass cuttings
- Raw vegetable peelings from your kitchen
- Tea bags and leaves, coffee grounds
- Young green weed growth (avoid weeds with seeds)
- Soft green prunings
- Animal manure from herbivores eg cows and horses
- Poultry manure and bedding
- Cardboard eg. cereal packets and egg boxes
- Waste paper and junk mail, including shredded confidential waste
- Cardboard tubes
- Glossy magazines
- Newspaper
- Bedding from vegetarian pets eg rabbits, guinea pigs i.e. hay, straw, shredded paper, wood shavings
- Tough hedge clippings
- Woody prunings
- Old bedding plants
- Bracken
- Sawdust
- Wood shavings
- Fallen leaves can be composted but the best use of them is to make leafmould
- Wood ash, in moderation
- Hair, nail clippings
- Egg shells (crushed)
- Natural fibres eg. 100% wool or cotton
Things You Should Not Use in Your Compost
Do NOT compost
- Meat
- Fish
- Cooked food
- Coal & coke ash
- Cat litter
- Dog feces
- Disposable nappies
More About Chickens & Composting |
Free Composting Guide for Beginners by John Quinn |
Free Outdoor Composting Guide: |
1. How to make compost. Henry Doubleday research organization. Garden organic.
2. Farm photo by Juliana Arruda (@julianaaphotography) on Unsplash. (2019). Retrieved 30 January 2019, from
3. (2019). Retrieved 30 January 2019, from
4. How to Compost Chicken Manure. (2019). YouTube. Retrieved 30 January 2019, from
1. How to make compost. Henry Doubleday research organization. Garden organic.
2. Farm photo by Juliana Arruda (@julianaaphotography) on Unsplash. (2019). Retrieved 30 January 2019, from
3. (2019). Retrieved 30 January 2019, from
4. How to Compost Chicken Manure. (2019). YouTube. Retrieved 30 January 2019, from