How to use ultra violet lighting to protect your chickens from salmonella, bacteria, mold, yeast, and germs.
Studies show ultra violet lights kill the salmonella pathogens so it makes sense to use them in your chicken coop or hen house. UVC lights kill the salmonella pathogens, bacteria, mold, yeast, germs, and in so doing, improves air quality. UVC lighting can also be used to purify water and extend food shelf life. This type of lighting also helps indoor plants grow better, so if you are growing herbs and wheat grass for your chickens you should consider using them for better plant growth as well. UVC lighting is commonly used in commercial buildings because they get rid of surface mold, reduce odors, allergens, and improve air system maintenance and efficiency. This type of lighting kills germs as they pass by in the air. They use less energy than traditional lighting.
Featured Video: Trinity UVC Lighting
This video describes the many healthy benefits of using UVC lighting.
Safety Precaution When Using Lighting or Heat Lamps in Your Chicken Coop or Hen House
When installing any type of lighting or heat lamps in your hen house or coop be sure that it is attached securely, is placed where your birds cannot knock it over or perch on it, and do not use extension cords if you can avoid it. You should put in a wire cage around it, and place it high enough that they cannot climb atop of the cage so that your birds will not get burned by it, and so if it were to fall it would remain inside the wire caging. Make sure that lighting and heat lamps are more than 3 feet from everything and anything that could be flammable.