Using Poultry Netting to Keep Snakes Away From Your Chickens

I have never seen poultry netting used as a method to keep snakes away but it obviously works as you can see from the following video. I have had one incident where a Copperhead snake got hung up between the chicken wire and poultry netting I have on one of my chicken coops and it was very hard for me to extract it, especially since it was a very poisonous snake. I know many people care about snakes and some folks even think chicken snakes (rat snakes) are beneficial to the chicken coop because they eat rodents. I do not feel this way at all as I have come upon a rat snake (chicken snake) a couple years ago who swallowed my young pullet rooster whole! After that, I determined no snake would be allowed to take up residence on the property at all and found ways to make that true. I do not have mice or rats in my chicken coops but snakes still come to eat my eggs. So, I figured out ways to get rid of the mice for good and I pick my eggs up twice a day, making sure no eggs are leftover night in the coop and that the nest boxes are clean and dry at bedtime but still every once in awhile I will get a snake and I have noticed they come in pairs. If I find one, I will usually find a second one within a few days. Carrying one snake off won't do much good, he will come back because his mate is still in your area. Get them both before you decide to take them off somewhere.
Featured Video: Controlling Snakes in your chicken coop
In this video Texasprepper2 shows an actual snake who got caught in the poultry netting at the bottom of his fence and he says it happens quite often. I will be adding poultry netting over all my fencing from now on To visit Texasprepper2's website just copy and paste this link into the Google search bar:
How I keep Snakes Away from my chicken coop
Keeping snakes out of your chicken coop may require using more than one method.
For snake control I use:
For snake control I use:
- Snake repellent
- Solar powered snake repellers-Push ultrasonic vibrations sounds into the ground which deters snakes.
- Guinea fowl-Well known for their ability to alert you that someone is on your property, a predator is near, a snake is nearby, notify their owners that the chickens may be in trouble, and have been known to kill a snake. Learn More About Guinea fowl
- Farm Cats-Raised around my chickens but never allowed near baby chicks.
- Bird X repeller (so far this works the best).
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1. Controlling Snakes In Your Chicken Coop. (2018). YouTube. Retrieved 22 September 2018, from
1. Controlling Snakes In Your Chicken Coop. (2018). YouTube. Retrieved 22 September 2018, from