Light Sussex is a good-natured hearty chicken breed, they are known to be sturdy, healthy, and hens lay one egg a day. Most pullets start laying at 6 months of age. The Sussex breed comes in a wide variety of colors but the Light Sussex is mostly white with head and neck flecked with black feathers and their tail feathers are also black. Light Sussex roosters have the same plumage but can have dark shades of metallic blues and greens in their tail feather plumage
.The bantam version is1/4 size but looks the same in appearance.
The Light Sussex hen is a popular bird for egg laying. and as a meat bird. The Light Sussex was first recognized in the Victorian Era. They are docile and sweet natured. Generally healthy. Light varieties are the best layers. Can lay more than 200 eggs a year. Their eggs are white or light colored.
They brood easily and will hatch eggs from other birds including duck and geese eggs.
Roosters are usually sweet natured toward people but protective over the flock.
If you are looking for a good sturdy laying hen to start your flock this is the bird for you!
See more breed information and video below.
.The bantam version is1/4 size but looks the same in appearance.
The Light Sussex hen is a popular bird for egg laying. and as a meat bird. The Light Sussex was first recognized in the Victorian Era. They are docile and sweet natured. Generally healthy. Light varieties are the best layers. Can lay more than 200 eggs a year. Their eggs are white or light colored.
They brood easily and will hatch eggs from other birds including duck and geese eggs.
Roosters are usually sweet natured toward people but protective over the flock.
If you are looking for a good sturdy laying hen to start your flock this is the bird for you!
See more breed information and video below.
Light Sussex-Basic Breed Information.

Origin: The Sussex chicken is a dual purpose breed of chicken that originated in England around the time of the Roman conquest of Britain in AD 43 that is a popular garden chicken in many countries. Wikipedia
Primary use: Dual-purpose meat/eggs
Egg production (annual): 250
Egg size: Large
Temperament: Alert, Docile
Recognized variety: Red, Buff Columbian, Brown, Coronation, Buff, Speckled, Silver, Light, White
Egg color: Brown, Cream, Tan
Eye color: Orange in lighter Sussex breeds and red in darker Sussex breeds. (1).
See video, photos, and more information below.
Primary use: Dual-purpose meat/eggs
Egg production (annual): 250
Egg size: Large
Temperament: Alert, Docile
Recognized variety: Red, Buff Columbian, Brown, Coronation, Buff, Speckled, Silver, Light, White
Egg color: Brown, Cream, Tan
Eye color: Orange in lighter Sussex breeds and red in darker Sussex breeds. (1).
See video, photos, and more information below.
What is the Difference Between Light Sussex and Light Brahma?
Light Sussex and Light Brahmas are different breeds of chickens which do have the same feather color and pattern. One easy way to tell the difference is that Light Brahmas have feathered feet and Light Sussex do not. Light Sussex are a cross breed between Light Brahma and Cochin which explains why they look so much alike.
- Sussex chicken. (2014). En.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 17 May 2019, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sussex_chicken