If you are looking for chicken breeds which lay white eggs, produce 280+ eggs each per year, and do not go broody easily then the Mediterranean Class Chicken Breeds is what you need. These clean legged chickens are the best white egg producers for egg production. Mediterranean Class chicken breeds are usually kept for egg production rather than for meat production because they do not go broody easily. One physical feature that can help identify Mediterranean breeds of chickens is that they have creamy white earlobes (3).
List of Mediterranean Chicken Breeds

- Mediterranean chickens are classified as Mediterranean because they were originally discovered in Italy and Spain.
Mediterranean Class poultry are from Italian or Spanish descent. "Poultry from Italy are usually smaller than most Standard poultry classes and chickens from Spain are usually a little larger than the Italian breed chickens.
List of Mediterranean Class Chickens.
Italian Chicken Breeds are: Spanish Chicken Breeds are:
- Blue Andalusians
- Castilians
- Catalanas
- Minorcas
- White-Faced Black Spanish
Usually kept for egg production rather than for meat production
Non broody
Clean legged
Have creamy-white earlobes
Lay white shelled eggs (3).
1. Deterala. (2014). Mediterranean Chicken Breed. Slideshare.net. Retrieved 23 November 2017, from https://www.slideshare.net/algerondeterala/mediteranean-chicken-breed?qid=586fa9fe-8b9d-4e33-a69a-e32cfde5c272&v=&b=&from_search=2
2. Chicken breeds recognized by the American Poultry Association. (2017). En.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 23 November 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_breeds_recognized_by_the_American_Poultry_Association#List_of_breeds_5
3.Standard breeds and varieties of chickens : I. American, Asiatic, English, and Mediterranean classes. (2017). Archive.org. Retrieved 23 November 2017, from https://archive.org/stream/CAT87203805/farmbul1506#page/n29/mode/2up/search/List+of+Mediterranean+Chicken+Breeds
3. Hawkins, Dennis. Mediterranean Class Chicken Breeds. Retrieved on September 9, 2020 from http://www.afn.org/~poultry/breeds/mediterr.htm
1. Deterala. (2014). Mediterranean Chicken Breed. Slideshare.net. Retrieved 23 November 2017, from https://www.slideshare.net/algerondeterala/mediteranean-chicken-breed?qid=586fa9fe-8b9d-4e33-a69a-e32cfde5c272&v=&b=&from_search=2
2. Chicken breeds recognized by the American Poultry Association. (2017). En.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 23 November 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_breeds_recognized_by_the_American_Poultry_Association#List_of_breeds_5
3.Standard breeds and varieties of chickens : I. American, Asiatic, English, and Mediterranean classes. (2017). Archive.org. Retrieved 23 November 2017, from https://archive.org/stream/CAT87203805/farmbul1506#page/n29/mode/2up/search/List+of+Mediterranean+Chicken+Breeds
3. Hawkins, Dennis. Mediterranean Class Chicken Breeds. Retrieved on September 9, 2020 from http://www.afn.org/~poultry/breeds/mediterr.htm