See Gary The Silkie Hen Get a Bath
Gary, a beautiful sweet Silkie Hen gets a spa day from her owner Jamie of Guildbrook Farm. Yes, Gary is a hen with a boy's name but what really got me about this video, is when Jamie told Gary she was a dirty girl, and then just as clear as day Gary the Silkie Hen talked, she clearly repeated, "Dirty girl" as you can see for yourself when you watch the video. She really seems to be enjoying her Chicken Spa Day though she didn't seem too impressed with the blow dryer at first but Gary really seemed to love her special treat "chicken potato chips" (meal worms).
Featured Video: Bathing a silkie
RIP Sweet Gary, you will be remembered. <3
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Bathing a Silkie Chicken. (2018). YouTube. Retrieved 15 May 2018, from