Salmonella Vaccines For Chickens
Salmonella vaccine's for chickens, how to build an effective salmonella vaccination program, and where to get Salmonella vaccinations. It is always best to consult your livestock/poultry vet to get vaccine's for your chickens. The following information is available via credible resources.
Salmonella Vaccine Increases Chickens Resistance Against Salmonella
"There has been an increasing interest in using Salmonella vaccination in poultry especially against the serovars of major public health relevance, S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium. Vaccination of birds results in a further increase of resistance against Salmonella infection beyond the level of birds with developed intestinal flora. Inactivated and/or live Salmonella vaccines are in use for poultry in a number of countries. The aim of vaccination as part of a complex control programmes for Salmonella infections in poultry is • to reduce or prevent the intestinal colonisation resulting in reduced faecal shedding and egg shell contamination and, • to prevent systemic infection resulting in a diminished localisation in the reproductive tissues. The basis for protection of poultry against Salmonella infection is largely empirical although knowledge relating to the course of the innate and adaptive response to various Salmonella infections types is beginning to increase" (Branch, 1).
Megan Vac1 Salmonella Vaccine for Chickens

Megan Vac1 is recommended as an aid in the reduction of Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella enteritidis, and Salmonella heidelberg colonization of the internal organs of young growing chickens and as an aid in the reduction of Salmonella enteritidis colonization of the crop and digestive tract, including the ceca. Megan Vac1 is recommended for use at 1 day of age by spray. A second dose should be given at 14 days of age in the drinking water. Do not vaccinate within 21 days of slaughter.
Spray Administration: Rehydrate the vaccine with cool, sterile, non-chlorinated water, which contains no antimicrobials, in an amount sufficient to vaccinate the required number of chickens according to the directions of the spray cabinet or sprayer manufacturer. This is usually about 500 ml per 5000 chicks. Use 5000 doses of vaccine to vaccinate 5000 chickens.
Do not dilute.
Drinking Water Administration: Remove disinfectant, sanitizers, and antimicrobials from the drinking water 24 hours prior to and after vaccination. Mix vaccine in clean water which contains no sanitizing agents or antimicrobials. Use 50 liters of water for each 5000 birds. Provide ample space for all birds to drink easily. Water containing vaccine should be consumed in 2 hours or less. To assure all birds drink, withhold water for one hour prior to vaccination.
Go to Salmonella Typhimurium Vaccine Live Culture
Spray Administration: Rehydrate the vaccine with cool, sterile, non-chlorinated water, which contains no antimicrobials, in an amount sufficient to vaccinate the required number of chickens according to the directions of the spray cabinet or sprayer manufacturer. This is usually about 500 ml per 5000 chicks. Use 5000 doses of vaccine to vaccinate 5000 chickens.
Do not dilute.
Drinking Water Administration: Remove disinfectant, sanitizers, and antimicrobials from the drinking water 24 hours prior to and after vaccination. Mix vaccine in clean water which contains no sanitizing agents or antimicrobials. Use 50 liters of water for each 5000 birds. Provide ample space for all birds to drink easily. Water containing vaccine should be consumed in 2 hours or less. To assure all birds drink, withhold water for one hour prior to vaccination.
Go to Salmonella Typhimurium Vaccine Live Culture
1. Vaccination of poultry against Salmonella: what is the ideal vaccine (strain)? U. Methner Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute, Federal Institute for Animal Health, Jena Branch, Naumburger Str.96a, D- 07743 Jena, Germany.
1. Vaccination of poultry against Salmonella: what is the ideal vaccine (strain)? U. Methner Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute, Federal Institute for Animal Health, Jena Branch, Naumburger Str.96a, D- 07743 Jena, Germany.