How Fresh Charcoal Ash (Wood Ash) Helps Improve Chicken Health
Fresh charcoal ash from burning wood is an organic, effective parasite treatment, can be used in dust baths, as a feed additive for chickens, and as an agent that destroys poultry viruses such as AIV and Newcastle Disease.
Several studies concluded that fresh charcoal ash and slaked lime were effective in the prevention and treatment of Avian Influenza Virus and Newcastle Disease both in commercial poultry farms and backyard chicken farms.
Fresh charcoal ash destroys poultry viruses- FCA obtained from burning wood in a wood stove, fireplace, or from an industrial powder plant was used and it was concluded that fresh charcoal ash can be used as an alternative virucide (an agent that destroys viruses) to prevent the spread of poultry disease in commercial poultry farms and for backyard chickens (Ruenphet S, Punyadarsaniya D, Jantafong T, Takehara K
Improves Broiler Weight: Studies reveal supplementing broiler finisher diets with O.5% activated charcoal for 21 days before slaughter resulted in increased growth and increased proportion of Grade A carcase weight.. (Proudfoot et al.. 1971).
Fresh charcoal ash kills poultry parasites-Wood or charcoal ash will suffocate mites and lice on chickens. I like to use a combination of fresh wood ash, Food grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE), and finely ground tobacco stems for my birds dust bathing areas. I sprinkle it in the nest boxes once a week, at night while the birds are roosting and not in the nest boxes. I sprinkle the roosts, floors and indoor coop area while the birds are outdoors during the day and I sprinkle their outdoor area at night while they are safely locked up in their coop. I place old tires in their coop area and fill them with this mixture. My chickens love to dust bathe in them and I have never had a mite or lice problem since I started using this method several years ago. I also spray the coop with Permethrin once a month especially in Autumn and Winter when poultry mites and lice are most likely to infest chickens, coops, and poultry houses, and every other month for the rest of the year and give each of the birds a Permethrin dip twice a year during warm weather, and they each get a chicken spa day at least twice a year usually as soon as it warms up in the Spring and again before it gets cold in the Fall.
Several studies concluded that fresh charcoal ash and slaked lime were effective in the prevention and treatment of Avian Influenza Virus and Newcastle Disease both in commercial poultry farms and backyard chicken farms.
Fresh charcoal ash destroys poultry viruses- FCA obtained from burning wood in a wood stove, fireplace, or from an industrial powder plant was used and it was concluded that fresh charcoal ash can be used as an alternative virucide (an agent that destroys viruses) to prevent the spread of poultry disease in commercial poultry farms and for backyard chickens (Ruenphet S, Punyadarsaniya D, Jantafong T, Takehara K
Improves Broiler Weight: Studies reveal supplementing broiler finisher diets with O.5% activated charcoal for 21 days before slaughter resulted in increased growth and increased proportion of Grade A carcase weight.. (Proudfoot et al.. 1971).
Fresh charcoal ash kills poultry parasites-Wood or charcoal ash will suffocate mites and lice on chickens. I like to use a combination of fresh wood ash, Food grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE), and finely ground tobacco stems for my birds dust bathing areas. I sprinkle it in the nest boxes once a week, at night while the birds are roosting and not in the nest boxes. I sprinkle the roosts, floors and indoor coop area while the birds are outdoors during the day and I sprinkle their outdoor area at night while they are safely locked up in their coop. I place old tires in their coop area and fill them with this mixture. My chickens love to dust bathe in them and I have never had a mite or lice problem since I started using this method several years ago. I also spray the coop with Permethrin once a month especially in Autumn and Winter when poultry mites and lice are most likely to infest chickens, coops, and poultry houses, and every other month for the rest of the year and give each of the birds a Permethrin dip twice a year during warm weather, and they each get a chicken spa day at least twice a year usually as soon as it warms up in the Spring and again before it gets cold in the Fall.
1. Ruenphet S, Punyadarsaniya D, Jantafong T, Takehara K
(2019) Stability and virucidal efficacies using powder and liquid forms of fresh charcoal ash and slaked lime against
1. Ruenphet S, Punyadarsaniya D, Jantafong T, Takehara K
(2019) Stability and virucidal efficacies using powder and liquid forms of fresh charcoal ash and slaked lime against