There are 3 color varieties of Legbar chickens are gold, silver, and cream. The following is a description of each.
Description of Gold Legbar Chicken Colors
Male (Rooster) Gold Legbar
Hackles-Pale straw neck hackles, barred with gold and black
Breast, Belly, Wing Coverts-Barred, dark grey, with primaries mixed with white. Upper web secondaries are mixed with a chestnut color.
Saddle, back, shoulder coverts, and wing bows-Pale straw barred with accents of bright gold-brown.
Tail and tail coverts-Barred grey with pale sickles
Female Gold Legbar
Neck Hackles-Pale gold barred with black
Breast-Salmon colored
Body-Grey-brown with light barring
Wings-Dark grey-brown
Tail-Dark grey-black with lighter broad bars
Egg color-White or cream colored (1)
Hackles-Pale straw neck hackles, barred with gold and black
Breast, Belly, Wing Coverts-Barred, dark grey, with primaries mixed with white. Upper web secondaries are mixed with a chestnut color.
Saddle, back, shoulder coverts, and wing bows-Pale straw barred with accents of bright gold-brown.
Tail and tail coverts-Barred grey with pale sickles
Female Gold Legbar
Neck Hackles-Pale gold barred with black
Breast-Salmon colored
Body-Grey-brown with light barring
Wings-Dark grey-brown
Tail-Dark grey-black with lighter broad bars
Egg color-White or cream colored (1)
Description of Silver Legbar Chickens
"The Silver Legbar male has silver neck hackles which are sparsely barred with dark grey and tipped with off to pure silver. Breast, belly and wing coverts are barred dark grey and silver-grey. The saddle, back, shoulder coverts and wing bows are silver with dark grey barring and silver tipped feathers. The tail and tail coverts are evenly barred dark grey and silver-grey while the sickles are paler.
The neck hackles of the female Silver Legbar are silver and barred with black. The breast is salmon and clearly defined from the silver-grey body with indistinct broad light barring. The wings are silver-grey, while the tail is also silver-grey with indistinct soft barring. They lay white or creme-coloured eggs" (1).
The neck hackles of the female Silver Legbar are silver and barred with black. The breast is salmon and clearly defined from the silver-grey body with indistinct broad light barring. The wings are silver-grey, while the tail is also silver-grey with indistinct soft barring. They lay white or creme-coloured eggs" (1).
Description of Cream Legbar Chickens
"The Cream Legbar male has cream neck hackles which are sparsely barred. The roosters saddle hackles are cream barred with dark grey and are tipped with cream. The back and shoulders are mostly cream barred with dark grey. The wings are dark grey and faintly barred, with the wing coverts grey barred and tipped with cream. The breast and tail are barred dark grey while the sickles are paler. The crest is cream and grey.
The neck hackles of the female Cream Legbar are cream, softly barred grey. The breast is salmon and clearly, while the body is silver-grey with indistinct broad soft barring. The wings are silver-grey, while the tail is also silver-grey with indistinct soft barring. The crest is cream and grey. They lay blue to blue-green eggs.
Today, several so-called Cream Legbars do not fulfil the breed standard of the Poultry Club of Great Britain because they have lost the dilute cream gene ('inhibitor of gold' (ig)) (1).
The neck hackles of the female Cream Legbar are cream, softly barred grey. The breast is salmon and clearly, while the body is silver-grey with indistinct broad soft barring. The wings are silver-grey, while the tail is also silver-grey with indistinct soft barring. The crest is cream and grey. They lay blue to blue-green eggs.
Today, several so-called Cream Legbars do not fulfil the breed standard of the Poultry Club of Great Britain because they have lost the dilute cream gene ('inhibitor of gold' (ig)) (1).
1. Legbar. (2017). Retrieved 20 December 2017, from
1. Legbar. (2017). Retrieved 20 December 2017, from