Helpful Tips For Raising Backyard Chickens
Whether you are making plans to start raising back yard chickens or you simply couldn't resist those cute little baby chicks at the feed store, Tractor Supply store or other place that you found them or acquired them and now that you have them you are not sure what to do with them or how to take care of them. These helpful tips and a great video will give you a pretty clear idea of what you are in for. Raising chickens can be a great experience or a nightmare. Of course, careful planning can make things much easier but if there was no time to plan then it's a learn as you go thing. Come to think of it, raising chickens even if you have years of experience, is still a learn as you go thing. I have been raising chickens half my life and still I learn something new almost every single day but the best things about chickens that I have learned is from my chickens. There is nothing like the feeling when they come running every time they see you and what makes it real special, is when one of them, just wants to hang out with you or sit on your lap and be petted. You will either fall in love with your chickens or you won't. If you are raising chickens for food you may not want to spend too much time with them, as at least one or two will try to form a bond with you. Now, lets get started. (Be sure to see some helpful tips below the video).
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Note: I may receive a small commission from ads on this website.
Featured Video: Backyard Chickens Success In your first year
Helpful Tips to Get You Started Raising Chickens
- Buy or build a predator safe chicken coop. Moveable chicken tractors with large covered runs work best.
- Make sure your coop has proper ventilation.
- Make watering your chickens simple and easy by using poultry water cups with an automatic float attached to a five gallon bucket or 55 gallon food grade barrel.
- Make sure your chickens eat feed that is appropriate for their age.
- Sprinkle your adult chickens feed with food grade Diatomaceous Earth once a week to keep parasites away.
- Keep feed covered in predator proof air tight containers at night to keep rodents away.
- Scoop chicken poop from litter to make it last longer.
- Join chicken groups
- Find out all the information you can about your chickens.
- Keep bedding clean. Play sand is easiest to keep clean
- Sprinkle oregano into your chickens feed to improve their health.
- Clean and sanitize your coop at least twice a month. Nest boxes and roosts need to be cleaned and sanitized more often or as needed
- Use UV lighting to prevent mold and bacteria.
More About Chicken Care (Click links below to view) |
Backyard Chickens Success in your First Year. (2018). YouTube. Retrieved 27 March 2018, from