Rise & Shine Cottage-Chicken Coop Tours

Take a tour of the beautiful Rise and Shine Cottage where Wendy's happy chickens live. This coop has some unique features such as a decorative front porch with a fake door which keeps the outside of the coop looking beautiful all the time as the chickens do not have access to it. The decorative awning and windows covered in hardware cloth provide essential ventilation and predator protection for this adorable chicken coop.
Featured Video: Backyard Chickens-Coop Design-Rise and Shine Cottage
"Here is a tour of my chicken coop. The chicken coop design helps to keep out chicken predators. It took a while for us to get everything done, but we were finally able to finish it. I hope you all enjoy seeing it half as much as we enjoying having it. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for viewing! - Wendy
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Basic Building Information for The Rise And Shine Chicken Coop
Here is some information about our coop:
Chicken coop dimensions - 8 ft x 6 ft
Run dimensions - 12 ft x 6 ft, plus 8 ft x 6 ft under coop (120 sq ft total)
Comfortable for 13 Chickens and 1 Rooster
Nesting boxes - 14 in x 16 in
Roost/Perches - 2 inch square with rounded edges
Roost/Perches height - 22 to 24 inches
Dust bath - equal parts of dirt, sand, peat moss and food grade Diatomaceous Earth. Pine shavings used in coop Straw used in run
Chicken coop dimensions - 8 ft x 6 ft
Run dimensions - 12 ft x 6 ft, plus 8 ft x 6 ft under coop (120 sq ft total)
Comfortable for 13 Chickens and 1 Rooster
Nesting boxes - 14 in x 16 in
Roost/Perches - 2 inch square with rounded edges
Roost/Perches height - 22 to 24 inches
Dust bath - equal parts of dirt, sand, peat moss and food grade Diatomaceous Earth. Pine shavings used in coop Straw used in run
- Backyard Chickens - Coop Design - Rise and Shine Cottage. (Oct. 20, 2014). YouTube. Retrieved 25 June 2019, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=or7y9r5ZHL0
- E, H., & E, H. (2019). Proper design of Roost Bars. BackYard Chickens. Retrieved 25 June 2019, from https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/proper-design-of-roost-bars.1197058/