Chicken swings best buys, how to teach your chickens to use one, plus see pictures and watch our featured video of chickens using the chicken swing.
Teaching Your Chicken to Use A Chicken Swing

Some chickens take to the swing right away and enjoy having a new place to perch while other's get spooked by it's movement and feel like they are going to fall off so they stay away from it. It is not likely that your chickens are going to be lining up to play with a new toy in the pen so getting them to use it may take some time and a bit of patience. You will need to place and hold your bird on the swing while holding it still. Talk to your bird and let them know you like it when they sit on the swing. Make a big deal out of it and they are more likely to sit there longer. While holding your chicken on the swing, wait until they are comfortable and relaxed, then slowly move the swing back and forth one time, then repeat this procedure. Do this every day for a couple days and it won't be long before your chickens will be enjoying their new toy. If you get the swing and put it in your chickens coop when they are baby chicks they will happily use it into adulthood. Just like the saying, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" older chickens will be wary of the swing and avoid it so if you want them to use it you will need to be patient and teach them how because unlike old dogs, old chicks can learn new tricks. (See Chicken Intelligence). See Best Buys on Chicken Swings below.
Featured Video: The Chicken Swing Fowl Play Products: Chicks Dig It
References: The chicken swing. (Oct. 23, 2013). Fowl Play Products: Chicks dig it.