Japanese Bantams originated in Japan. They are a miniature breed which does not have a larger standard size breed which makes them an original breed or "True Breed" of Bantam chicken. Check out various Japanese breeds, personality, and attributes of these adorable chickens. These are small beautiful chickens with tails that are very tall. Some even have very long tail feathers that drag behind them.
There are seven recognized breeds of Japanese Bantams:
Brown Red
Black Tailed Buff
Black Tailed White
Japanese Bantam Personality
Roosters are adorable and protective of their hens. They tend to have a favorite hen and like to prance around and flutter to get attention.
Hens are sweet, docile and like to be held and petted. Most bantam hens will go broody easily.
Eggs Small light tan almost white egg.
Egg size approx. 1 inch in length and diameter.
Both make very good pets if handled while they are chicks to adulthood.
There are seven recognized breeds of Japanese Bantams:
Brown Red
Black Tailed Buff
Black Tailed White
Japanese Bantam Personality
Roosters are adorable and protective of their hens. They tend to have a favorite hen and like to prance around and flutter to get attention.
Hens are sweet, docile and like to be held and petted. Most bantam hens will go broody easily.
Eggs Small light tan almost white egg.
Egg size approx. 1 inch in length and diameter.
Both make very good pets if handled while they are chicks to adulthood.